Rob's Box Office Pages

Hello and welcome to all movie lovers out there! If, perchance, you've stumbled across this page, that probably means that you have at least a passing interest in box office grosses, as I do. First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Gitesh Pandya, AKA the Box Office Guru, for putting up an amazing site. This site was inspired to a large degree by his. There will be a variety of box office things here, most notably my predictions and analysis of weekend box office grosses. Visit the site directory to get started. So kick back, relax, and please enjoy your stay. Thanks.

Sorry folks, but due to a severe power outage yesterday, I was unable to get to my computer to do anything. As I write this at 9:00 a.m., I will be leaving my home in fifteen mintues so will be unable to do anything until tonight at the earliest, and possibly not until tomorrow. So, all I can say is: Bear with me and hope that my power company comes through for once. Thanks.

Visit the site directory.

The Friday grosses and weekend estimates are up. Check 'em out.

Any and all comments and criticims are always welcome. This site is for you to enjoy, so you have to help me out with what you want. All you have to do is mail me at and let me know what you want to see. I'll be sure to get back to you.

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This site was last updated on June 27, 1998 at 10:15 p.m. EST